Thursday, May 6, 2010


I have wanted to start a food-related blog for a long time, and just didn't seem to find the time for it.

(Isn't it interesting that we refer to time in such terms? Find, make, save, spend, waste... Isn't time one of those unquestionable elements, like life and death? How absurd that we have developed such vocabulary to speak about time, no?)

Anyway, back from that sidenote, I am very pleased to have finally started this blog. The original idea is to use this space to share some of my experiences in creating and enjoying food. Much of what I have learned has come from what others have shared with me, so perhaps doing the same adds to the general pot of food knowledge.

We find ourselves pushing against and even larger wall called food industry. This beast controls most of what is eaten by the great majority of people in the world. Unfortunately, its influence also drips down, affecting culture and values. But there is a largely increasing group of us who choose to resist this massive force, paying close attention to what we consider eatible. I hope you find yourself belong to this group.

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